Pete Ramey Workshop
Pennington, New Jersey
June 6, 2015
For more information or to attend, visit
or email Christina
There’s more to barefoot than removing the shoes. Have you been told your horse ‘needs’ shoes? It’s possible he may just need a better trim. This is where Christina comes in – “the trimmer for horses who need shoes”.
Christina Kusznir has been involved with horses for 2 1/2 decades, owning her own horse for the last 20 years. She entered the world of barefoot when her OTTB developed navicular at the age of 15 and veterinary medicine offered no hope, recommending euthanasia. Within one year he was fully sound. To this day he remains the most difficult case she has rehabbed. As a result, she specializes in difficult cases, those that others have had difficulty getting sound and those horses who have been diagnosed as not being able to go barefoot.
She looks at the hoof from the ‘inside out’, understanding that the outer appearance is a reflection of the internal structures. This is what is meant by a physiological trim. In that way, the hoof is set up for optimal functioning.
Her application of these techniques, along with proper trimming and horse keeping techniques, have been successful because they promote optimum health, thereby extending the domestic equine lifespan while minimizing veterinary problems.
Christina has an awareness and general understanding of holistic and alternative healing methods that complement and enhance restoration of or maintenance towards a horse’s continuing soundness.
Unlike conventional methods of hoof management, the methods and management Christina employs recognize physiological features of the whole horse and trims to promote proper functions.
- Treat the cause, not the symptom
- Establish correct form
Christina has received positive endorsements from numerous vets and vet/chiropractors.
Dr. Judith Shoemaker
Woo Hoo! Those hind frogs are not so squashed, and the bullnose is going away! Keep up the good work! Remember, if you don’t like something like a flare, get rid of it! And keeping the front feet out of distortion is what keeps the back feet from being overused.
Thank you for your conscientious care,
Dr. Rachel Shuster, Shuster Equine:
“The best barefoot trimming and feet I’ve seen”
Dr. Greg Stoller:
“Very good looking, healthy feet and trim”.
talks about the beneift of barefoot being the ‘flexing’ of the hoof enabled by barefoot, prevented by shoes, which enables circulation, and shock absorption (hydraulic)
a distinctive expertise in barefoot lameness prevention and rehabilitative care
• a knowledge of hoof anatomy and physiology
• the use of a core of equine science
• an in-depth knowledge of a trim that is designed to return and maintain optimum function to the hoof to promote balanced wear and weight bearing
It is the study of physiologically justified hoof care practices that are based on current research of the internal components of the equine hoof. Its principles are aimed at enhancing correct hoof function and equine biomechanics, therefore promoting lifelong soundness.
It is NOT “method” trimming. Its paradigm is firmly grounded in equine orthopedics and takes hoof care into the 21st century.
Christina Kusznir has been involved with horses since 1984. She discovered the benefits of natural lifestyle and barefoot horsekeeping when her the 15 yo OTTB was diagnosed with incurable navicular disease. Today Christina is helping other horses become and remain sound in the Northern NJ, southern NY and eastern PA region.
What distinguishes her? Unlike conventional methods of hoof management, barefoot management recognizes physiological features of the whole horse and trims to promote proper functions.
She was on the forefront of what has becom the barefoot ‘movement”. At the dawn of the millenium, after conventional shoeing methods failed her navicular-diagnosis horse, she went in search of alternatives to euthanasiz, the prescribed ‘treatment’. As ‘barefoot’ as a solution to lameness was nascent and just developing and With no qualified help closer than 4 hours away her only option was to learn to do it herself. Thus began the learning journey and what today has become a wealth of experience in healing, helping to rehabilitate the incurably lame, or maintain the sound one.
Christina is passionate about spreading the word on achieving optimal health for horses by providing for its physiological and emotional needs, and enabling a horse to live up to its full genetic potential and to perform outstandingly on the terrain it lives and competes on, by providing the most correct trim for its needs and conditions. We invite you to submit questions and cases for input from Christina as well as a rotating panel of invited experts. For public or private consultation, email or phone 917 940 9327