Founder 13 yo Paso Fino

This is a moderately severe case of founder, with coffin bone visible. The horse had been shod as a two-year old show horse for years, but barefoot trimmed for several years prior to the founder. He had undiagnosed metabolic issues that became apparent when he foundered.


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April – a few months into the founder incident , before trim

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Later the same day as above photos – after trimming




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July – the correct angle has grown in about 2/3 of the way down but heels are still too hgih



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October – 10 months post founder and the horse is well on his way to correct hoof form


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Coffin  Bone Protrusion – Before/After


The laminar wedge shows the severity of the founder


The horse made a full recovery with dedicated, correct barefoot trimming and aggressive pursuit of correct diet, nutrition, supplementation with consultation from both conventional and alternative vets tailored to this particular horse’s individual needs,  and lifestyle management by the owner.

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